School Info » Student Registration

Student Registration

Welcome to the HPS Student Registration Page
Please follow below steps to begin the process:
  1. Click Registration link 
  2. Fill out form 
  3. Submit form to Attendance Office
  4. Once form is filled out Mrs. Mania will reach out to let you know what other forms need to be filled out and what other paperwork is needed.
  5. Below you will find the forms that may be needed.
The forms below can be filled out on your computer, please follow these instructions to fill them out and print/send them to the school.
  1. Click the needed form
  2. Download the form
  3. Open and fill out the form
  4. Save the form(VERY important, if you just close it, nothing will be saved)
  5. Email the form to the Attendance Office
  6. Click Here to fill out the Home Language Survey