Extended Day Program

What is this: We are going to continue offering a free Extended Day Program to students in grades K-8. This program is 100% optional and we will not grade students. Instead, educators will work with students to focus on refining essential academic skills, by grade level, that may be lacking.
When: Classes will be held from January 9th through April 25th. Classes will be offered on 
Tuesdays (3:00-4:00 P.M.)
Thursdays (3:00-4:00 P.M.)
Enrollment: Parents may request to have their child enrolled in either/both of the sessions offered. Based on the enrollment we receive, we will determine what day(s) your child will attend this program.
Method of Instruction: In-Person, after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Skills Focused: This will be determined based on conversations with staff regarding what specific mathematic, writing, and reading skills we are seeing students struggle with. The scope of the program may also explore areas of science, history, and the arts.
Attendance: This program is optional. We do, however, ask that if you register your child, that you kindly make every effort to have them attend.
Special Education: All students in grades K-8 may enroll. Students with special needs are always valued and we will look to structure the coursework to help them as best as we can.
How to Enroll: Click here to fill out the Google Form. We will also make this form available on Social Media. Please fill out this Google Form by December 30th if you would like your child to attend.
Final Note: Again, we are unsure how many students will look to enroll in this program. The amount of students that enroll, along with the amount of staff that look to work this program, will determine how we structure the program and how often we will be able to offer this programming to each child.