After Care
After Care
After Care
What is the After Care Service?
Our program is designed for Haledon Public School children of busy parents. We will provide a secure, safe and positive environment for your child. He or she can play, learn, participate in creative arts and crafts, table games, conversation, quiet games, story time, reading time, outdoor play and homework time.
Who may attend?
All Haledon Public School children in grades Pre-K(age4) to Grade 8 are invited to participate.
Time: School dismissal until 6 :00 P.M.
Place: Children will be located in grade appropriate classrooms and the small gym (for pick-up).
Aftercare will now be open at 8:00 A.M. when school is closed. Aftercare will be available until 6:00 P.M. Please check the calendar for available dates.
What kind of supervision will be provided?
The After Care Services is a program provided by the Haledon Public School. Qualified,
experienced adults assisted by trained aides will be in direct supervision of the children
at all times. A parent/guardian must sign the child out of the After Care program by 6:00 p.m.
This program is offered as a service to school families by the Haledon Public School. The fees have been set solely to recover the actual costs of the program. Aftercare applications are available in the main office and the Aftercare office located in the small gym.
$110.00 per month (5 Days) - New Price
Regardless of the days used.
$85.00 per month (3 Days) - New Lower Price *******************************************************************************************
$10.00 per day for emergency drop-in. Must be paid for the day after care service is provided.
Late Pick-Up Fee = $1 for every minute after 6:00 P.M.
Late Payment Fee = $10 after the 10th day of the month
Daily Emergent Care (until 3:30 P.M.) = $5/day
Daily Emergent Care (2:45 P.M. Dismissal) = $10/day
Daily Emergent Care (12:30 P.M. Dismissal) = $15/day
Daily Emergent Care (Full Day) = $20/day
Any questions, Please contact Mr. Jeff Territo at 973-790-9000x1225 or [email protected] .
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