
Health Office

General Information

The Health Office phone number is 973-790-9000

Kaileen McGeever, RN x-1216

Elizabeth Carr, RN x-1231

The Fax Number is 973-790-1429
The office is open between 7:50 AM and 3:00 PM
E-mail: [email protected] and [email protected]






Vision screening is performed in grades 2, 4, 6 and 8.   If your child appears to have a vision defect, a referral is sent home requesting follow up by an Ophthalmologist. Hearing screening is performed on students in grades K-4, 6 and 8.  If your child appears to have a hearing defect, a referral is sent home requesting follow up by medical doctor. Scoliosis screening is performed on 5th and 7t h grades.  If your child appears to have a defect, a referral is sent home requesting follow up by a medical doctor.  If you refuse to have your child screened for scoliosis it must be in writing and sent to Health Office.  The form is sent home in June for screening the next school year. Screenings are expected to begin screenings in late October and conclude by April.

Any student who has not received the state mandated immunizations by the age appropriate required date will be excluded from school.  Transfer students must present complete records of immunizations upon registration and prior to attending classes. Please give the Health Office any updated immunization information as soon as possible.


According to N.J.A.C. 8:57-4 “Every child born on or after January 1, 1997, and entering or attending Grade Six, or a comparable age level special education program with an unassigned grade on or after September 1, 2008, shall have received one dose of the Meningitis and Tdap vaccine, given no earlier than the 10th birthday.


No student is permitted to carry any medications (including over the counter medications) during school hours.  All medications must be administered by the nurse in the health office.   Only those students who have presented a properly signed form for inhaler use may self-carry the inhaler. Please obtain the form from the Health Office and have the doctor and parent signatures on the form and return to the Health Office.  This form must be properly completed prior to any medication administration.  No phone consents are accepted.  The medication must be brought to the health office and be in non-expired, clearly labeled and in an original container. Any student needing an inhaler, epi-pen, insulin, or any medication for allergic reactions must provide the nurse with a signed Allergy Action Plan obtained from the Health Office.   Please send in any completed forms and medications as soon as possible.   


Parent notes may be written to excuse a student from Phys. Ed. class for 1-2 days.  For longer than 2 days, a Doctor’s note is required stating the reason for the excuse and the dates the student is excused.   

All sports injuries must be reported and all medical notes must be submitted to the health office within 24 hours of the injury.  The time limit for submitting insurance claims forms is 90 days from the date of injury.


All student athletes must have a sports physical completed within 365 days of the first practice of their sport.  The packet must be filled out entirely.  If there is information missing, the packet will be returned for completion.  There is a two week time period for the physical to be cleared by the school physician.  It is highly recommended to hand in the packet as soon as possible. After the deadline physicals WILL NOT be accepted and the athlete will not be cleared to participate in a sport for that season.

Health history updates are required for students that had a physical within last 364 days. You must have the date of the last physical exam. Please see the nurse for the form.

For all new students a physical examination form must be submitted within 30 days of entering Haledon Public School.  If proof of the exam is not presented, the student may not be allowed in school until the physical exam is received. It is recommended that your child have a complete physical by their primary care physician every two years.


Please do not send your child to school with a fever >101.  A student should be twenty-four hours fever free, without the use of medication, before returning to school. If the student is put on an antibiotic, please keep your child home for twenty-four hours. If your child has a contagious illness (for example, strep throat, pink eye, mono, flu) please let the health office know as soon as possible.

Please contact us with any concerns or questions about the health of your student.


NASN's "Don't Get Sidelined by the Flu" program provides resources and tools to educate parents, faculty, and students about preventing and treating influenza. The materials are available in English and Spanish.

Click here to access these resources on NASN's Web site.


EXPERT VIDEOS The Childhood Influenza Immunization Coalition (CIIC) has filmed a series of expert videos on influenza. NASN Nursing Education Director Nichole Bobo is featured in the video "What is the Best Way to Protect School-Aged Children from Influenza?"  

Click here to access CIIC's prevention resources for families, caregivers and health care professionals.


NJ FamilyCare


NJ FamilyCare provides free or low cost health insurance for uninsured children and certain low income parents.  For more information visit www.njfamilycare.org to apply or call 1-200-701-0710.