Registration and Attendance

Registration and Attendance


Each student must be accompanied by a parent or guardian and submit or provide the following:

1.  Proof of age:  (Students entering Kindergarten must be five years old by October 1st.)

a.  Birth Certificate - if the child was born in the United States, or

b.  Passport, Alien Card, or Family Register

2.  Proof of residence:

a.  Lease or Deed

b.  Telephone bill with number and address of service

3.  In addition, any two of the following documents (examples shown below) containing your Haledon address must be presented:

a.  Driver's license, car registration, and auto insurance card (counts as one proof)

b.  Current utility bill (electric, water, cable)

c.  Official correspondence (bank statement or government correspondence from Internal Revenue, Division of Taxation, or Social Security Administration)

d.  Public assistance documents

e.  Voter registration card

f.  Current major credit card bill

4.  Transfer card and report card from previous school


5.  A completed physical examination form for registration.  This must be signed and dated by the doctor within twelve (12) months prior to entering.


6.  Documentation of the Mantoux tuberculin skin test given no more than six (6) months prior to entering.  If the Mantoux tuberculin skin test is positive, you must submit a separate report from the radiologist of the x-ray results.





If your child will be absent, please call the attendance office at (973) 790-9000 ext. 1215 to let us know.  You can also send a note the following day.  More than 21 absences in a school year may be cause for retention, pending an administrative review.


Students arriving later than 8:08 a.m. should report to the attendance office and will be marked tardy.  Every five (5) lates will count as one absence, and administrative detentions will be issued after three (3) lates.

Early sign out

If you need to sign your child out of school early for a doctor's appointment or other emergency, please go to the attendance office for assistance.

Kindergarten Screening
Click here for more info